Best Educational / Academic Podcasts

It would not be an exaggeration if I say that the world of Podcast has exploded. People from all walks of life are sharing their knowledge on podcasts.

This is not restricted to entertainment and huge amount of content is also available for educational or academic purposes too.

Podcasts for students, educators, distance learning, resources in education are available in large number. Also, the subjects which can be studied are also diverse from languages, mathematics, science to robotics, gaming etc.

We will take a look today at some of the best Educational / Academic Podcasts.

If you are interested in fiction podcasts then check out our article on Best Fiction Podcasts

If you are new to podcasting then read our articles on Podcasting Basics to get up-to speed.

What are Educational / Academic Podcasts?

Educational podcasts as the name suggests are all about learning and in many cases from leaders in the field.

These podcasts are either solo, narrative type or in a discussion or interview style where 2 or more discuss a topic at hand.

It is very similar to audio books but when it is interview style you get first-hand inputs and perspectives.

Many universities across the globe have started their own podcast to benefit students in their academics.

Also, many teachers, professors are widely using technology to record or make available their session even after they have already taken in class for students to listen it again for further reference.

Some universities allow only the in-house students to access them, but few allow anyone who would be interested in listening to a particular subject, thus making podcast available to any student in any corner of the world.

You just have to figure out what you are looking for depending on your age, profession, reason or subject requirement.

Below are some Educational/ Academic Podcasts that you want to check out.

Why Educational / Academic Podcasts are becoming popular?

Educational podcasts are becoming popular because of the very nature of podcasting itself. Podcasts have a direct connect between the podcaster (teacher in this case) and the listener (students in this case) and this is what’s most important for learning.

Students can practically learn anything of their interest from experts in that field and they can do it anytime they want.

Because of the episodic nature of the podcasts various complex topics can be easily divided into episodes and students can precisely learn what they want.

If students do not get certain concepts / ideas in first attempt they can listen to the same episode any number of times. This is a great advantage with the educational / academic podcasts.

With son many great learning resources available, students can select what they want to learn and when they want to learn!

Here is a list of some really good educational / academic podcasts.

Pants on Fire

Pants on Fire is produced by Gen-Z Media in partnership with PRX. Kids these days are exposed to much content. Just like adults they are fed with fake news. This podcast is an interactive podcast which keep the kids alert and attentive while entertaining and informing them. Each they have a two people who are supposedly experts of a certain thing. Here the interviewer is the kid who asks questions and gets to know who the real expert is and who is fake. It’s very fast paced and energetic sure to keep all of us on our toes.


This is a podcast Hosted & produced by Lindsay Patterson who is a science journalist) & Marshall Escamilla who is a teacher. This is something that can be enjoyed by the entire family along with kids. This podcast explores various discoveries in science with experts and scientist.

Stuff you missed in History class

This is a podcast by iHeartRadio. This podcast is very enlightening as it covers history from all over the world. The podcast is hosted by two women Holly and Tracy. It is wonderful to get some accurate and fun historical perspectives. Anyone who thought history was boring, should give this a go. And for all the history lovers, you really don’t need a reason to listen to this. Just go for it.

Also, if you a real history geek you should also check out a podcast: Hardcore History


This is a science podcast but nothing like a science podcast. The podcast name in itself incorporates everything they talk about (S-Science H-History A-Architecture B-Anything related to Brains A-Art M-Math). This is a very unique way to presenting and explaining a concept.

They take up a specific topic and elaborate over a period of multiple episodes. The season spoke to Zombies. They talk to experts and people who study about every aspect related to the topic of discussion in the particular season. There is a different topic every season.

This is a great way of learning about a concept without having to get a lecture or see it in a form of PowerPoint presentations or graphs.

Philosophize This!

Someone is who studying Philosophy or merely interested in philosophy. This is a podcast for you. You don’t have to be someone who is studying the subject to enjoy this podcast.

Everyday Neuro

Have you always thought about how human brain works? Are you always interested in human psychology and behavior? Well then, this podcast is just for you. This is a podcast series with Dr Janine Cooper who talks about all the stuff related to brain.

99% Invisible

This podcast is by the award winning producer Roman Mars. The podcast talks about the beauty about things that we absolutely do not notice. This is about design and architecture that go unnoticed and is of great significance in our life.

50 Things That Made the Modern Economy

This podcast by Tim Harford talks about inventions, concepts, ideas and innovations that have changed our world. It ranges from sewing machines to dams to slot machines. It is fascinating for all age groups.

Revolution Health Radio

This podcast is by the famous health detective Chris Kresser. He analyses all the myths about what nutrition and health is. He talks to diet medicine and disease management is a very simple language.


With so many great resources available for learning, just go ahead and take a dive in the world of podcasts.

Learn what you want ! Happy Listening !

Welcome to your podcasting journey with quickstartpodcast team.

Below paragraphs have links to all our posts in a logical manner starting from being a podcast listener to being a podcast creator.

The podcast Listener phase :

The podcasting journey generally begins with various questions such as what is a podcast , what a podcast is used for ? how to listen to a podcast , what are the best android and iOS apps to listen to podcast .

Depending upon the things that you like you will search for fiction podcasts , educational podcasts etc. Most of the people restrict their journey in podcasting to this level. They just end up being listeners to podcasts. Some of then take the next leap of faith and decide to start their own podcast.

Podcast creator Phase :

How to start your podcast ? is the main question they are faced with . Once that you have decided to start a podcast , what should be the name of the podcast , what should be the podcast format , which podcasting niche should you chose , what should be episode titles , what are popular podcast formats and what should be mine and so on ..

What is the right equipment for creating a podcast , what are the best XLR , USB , Condenser and dynamic microphones available. Can I record my podcast in an iPHONE , What should be the polar pattern , should I use an audio interface or a mixer , do I need a POP filter . There are so many question . How much podcasting will cost me , what are different setups based on my budget.

Once you in the journey of podcasting you will need to decide how should be a great podcast intro , how to record the podcast , how to record podcast online , how to test the mic , what should be length and frequency of my podcast , how to make great sounding podcasts and finally how to make money from podcasting ? ..

Whats is a podcast host and do I need one ?? , Uploading podcasts to google podcast and Apple podcasts are also crucial steps.

The journey starts from being a podcast listener going all the way to being a great podcast creator and quickstartpodcast is there with you in all this journey.

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