Best Educational / Academic Podcasts

It would not be an exaggeration if I say that the world of Podcast has exploded. People from all walks of life are sharing their knowledge on podcasts. This is not restricted to entertainment and huge amount of content is also available for educational or academic purposes too. Podcasts for students, educators, distance learning, resources…

How to Upload / Publish Podcast To iTunes / Apple Podcasts : 5 Step Process

How to Upload / Publish Podcast To iTunes / Apple Podcasts : 5 Step Process

The whole idea of starting a podcast is to reach out to as many listeners as possible. What better way to achieve this than listing your podcast on iTunes / Apple podcasts? . Lets go through a step by step process to upload / publish podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcasts


Popular Podcast Formats People Love To Listen

Once you decide to start a podcast one of the important steps in the journey is to decide your podcast format. There are many popular podcast formats you can select one as a starting point. Podcast format will give you a structure to build your podcast. It will also make it more convenient for the audience.