



Offline Methods

The Online Method

Step 3

It may ask you to allow the access to your microphone, this is essential for the site to perform the test. You can click allow.

Step 4

Speak into the microphone.

Step 5

If you see the waveform moving then your mic is working fine and you are good to go

The Offline Method

Audacity Method

1. Open free recording software such as Audacity. 2. Select Your Microphone 3. Hit record button and Speak into the microphone 4. If your mic is working well you will the recorded audio

The Offline Method

Windows 10 Default Mic Tester

1. Right click no Volume button in righ hand corner of your desktop 2. Go to sound settings 3. Select your microphone 4. Speak into your microphone and see if the blue bars move

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