How to Start Podcast in 2021: Simple 7 Step Guide
This step by step guide will hold your hand throughout the process of starting your first podcast and answer all your doubts on How to Start Podcast
This step by step guide will hold your hand throughout the process of starting your first podcast and answer all your doubts on How to Start Podcast
The whole idea of starting a podcast is to reach out to as many listeners as possible. What better way to achieve this than listing your podcast on iTunes / Apple podcasts? . Lets go through a step by step process to upload / publish podcast to iTunes / Apple Podcasts
Podcast intro is the first 20 to 30 second section of every podcast episode which introduces listeners to your podcast and that particular episode. It tries to attract the listener to hear further through the complete episode.
Finding good episode titles can be time consuming and frustrating sometimes. It can be made simpler if you follow some basic rules or guidelines. Right descriptive, catchy and compelling titles.
Once you decide to start a podcast one of the important steps in the journey is to decide your podcast format. There are many popular podcast formats you can select one as a starting point. Podcast format will give you a structure to build your podcast. It will also make it more convenient for the audience.
Podcast format and episode structure is nothing but how you organize the content of your shows. Podcast format is overall structure of your show while episode structure is more detailed outline of your episode on a timeline.
Starting a podcast without having any sort of plan can lead to disaster. No matter how much experience you have or how well you think you can improvise on the fly, it is essential to plan podcast upfront.
There are thousands of podcasts out there with millions of episodes. Selecting the right podcast topics is crucial for the success of your podcast. The right topic for a podcast is the one you love, the one you are passionate about.
With online podcast recording you can have multiple guests and record a podcast remotely from various locations simultaneously to produce a great interactive podcast.
Practically everyone who wants to start a podcast thinks about this question. How much does podcast cost? Lets take a look at various cost options.
Podcast names are very difficult to choose and can consume a lot of time. At the same time, they are essential to make the right first impression.
All podcasters , Sooner or later when they want to record a better quality of audio or have more than one person featuring in the podcast, the question comes. Audio interface vs mixer, which one should I use?
With Podcasts , you will be able to listen to What You Want. You have the complete control on what you listen, when you listen and how you listen to a podcast. You can listen to a large assortment of topics and develop new interests.